Take Five with TRT World news' André-Pierre du Plessis

When it comes to content, there are very few people we're inspired by more than André-Pierre du Plessis. Known to his friends as "Appel" or simply AP, he's a media maverick in every sense of the phrase. Whether he's reporting for Bloomberg, on air for Smile FM or producing TV for Turkish news channel TRT World, he captures what's news, and why it's newsworthy, in all the content he creates.

With a CV like his, it's impossible to keep up with all the amazing work AP does. But that's okay, because there's Facebook. And Twitter. And Instagram. AP's all over social media. With perfectly crafted posts and rapid-fire responses, we can't help but be inspired by his ability to manage media online. Coupled with his offline media savvy, he's a reminder that content creators can indeed do it all. At least we can try. Meanwhile, we ask André-Pierre the five social media questions we want to ask everyone.

Who is your biggest inspiration on the internet? 
My 60-something year-old aunt in Mauritius whose use of Facebook reminds me of those first few awkward years on the platform back when privacy was still a thing and nobody could see the stupid statuses we added to the "is" that followed our names. She writes things on Facebook she either does subconsciously, or of herself being made fun of by the owner of whatever internet café she frequents on the tiny Indian Ocean island. She'd constantly comments on her own post with "did I write this? I have no memory of it".

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is an inspiration for all social media users.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is an inspiration for all social media users.

When was the last time you read really good content online? 
I really love The New York Times and their extensive attempts at drawing readers across the world to their site. I'm a news nut, so anything that's researched thoroughly and written beautifully attracts me and that's what NYT get right. 

Which is your favourite social media platform? 
Twitter. Because Jack Dorsey.

 What is your biggest social media pet peeve?
Those quotes in silly fonts on nature-like backgrounds. Please stop. 

If you could have a Twitter Q&A with one person living or dead - who would it be?
My 60-something aunt. If this is what she's like on Facebook she'll be a roar on Twitter.